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Red line of life. Decisions , we are making them every day. innumerable amount of decisions each and every day. Some of them may be harder than others, but each decision will change our lives for the best or the worst. We are facing a wall, as harder the decision taller that wall will be to climb on and proceed to the next side. As hard and terrifying the climb over the wall is , we must remember nothing can stop us , but our selves , which we mostly do and easily , we decide not to decide, to stay behind that wall in our safe place, despite that we are making unconsciously small life decisions each moment. With most awareness we just decide to step away , not because we want to , but because the anxiety and fear controls us. As hard it is to cross over the wall and continue with our lives we choose to fail. We shouldn’t look high up and wonder will I make it over the top as we won’t look down while we climbing and ask what if?.. You should refer the critical and enormous small easy decision’s block as a simple line in your mind on the road in front of you , breathe in , keep your head up straight and just cross it, make a choice , cross your red line of your life. As crossing a line is easier then climbing a wall , just cross it, but think deeply and be by your own control and not by your fear , imagining the line as red giving you proportion of the danger and the failure it may cost. But that our lives are, about wrong and right decisions, the only mater is keep crossing your red line again and again , because success achieved when you get up one more time after your mistakes. Let’s stop taking decisions by fear and by the time we are getting closer in each path to our own critical red line of life let’s just pass it safely and in control and as 2pac said , life goes on.
Автор: Eduard

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