Nadin Victorya Mazpane


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«Virtual space. Total terror»

mixed 2017. ...It was in time millennium beginning. The one good-looking man with dark hair and dark eyes was sitting in his car near the Baltic seaside. He looked to the water and saw an amazing star`s reflection …but this star was not shinning on the sky…he carefully looked for the star, but not found it anywhere it was so strange. But he hadn`t any interest for a star because….He had the strong wishes. He said ` I want to be rich, I want to be good-looking, I want to be popular. I want to have the strong power , the power like the all space and take care it in my hand…I want the best women who exists in the world for myself, I want…I want I want…? And somebody answers him, that whose face was hidden in the darkness…”`You awoke me, I have been sleep for a long time...she exists”…
Автор: Nadin Victorya Mazpane

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